Chase Abram
I am a PhD Candidate in the Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics at the University of Chicago. My research concerns firm dynamics and labor markets in the macroeconomy, with an eye towards bettering our understanding of worker job flows and earnings inequality. Additionally, I study the the spatial distribution of economic activity, with a focus on developing tools for modelling dynamics in quantitative spatial models.
Follow me on Twitter: @chase_abram
Git: chaserileyabram
Public Discussion
Works in Progress
Check back soon for my job market paper and a joint paper with Jordan Rosenthal-Kay
.Some Miscellaneous Notes
- UChicago Econ PhD Math Camp Lecture Notes (+ solutions): Notes I used while teaching the introductory math camp for PhD students in the economics department in Fall 2021 and 2022.
- Extreme Value Derivations: Handy reference for a handful of extreme value results, including a derivation of choice probabilities.
- Simple Sticky Wage New Keynesian Model: Derivation of a RANK in continuous-time with sticky wages and monopsonistic competition in the labor market.
- Markov Processes: Some introductory notes on Markov Processes. Prepared for a TA session for Nancy Stokey's Theory of Income I.
- Conditioning with Normal Random Variables: A few lines of linear algebra to find the distribution of a normal vector, conditional on observing another normal vector, when they are drawn from an arbitrary joint process. Prepared for a TA session for Lars Hansen and Tom Sargent's Empirical Analysis II.
- Generalized Method of Moments: The bare basics of GMM, with some examples. Prepared for a TA session for Lars Hansen and Tom Sargent's Empirical Analysis II.
- Welfare Theorems: Some notes on the welfare theorems. Prepared for a TA session for Nancy Stokey's Theory of Income I.
- hopenhayn.jl: Julia implementation of Hopenhayn (1992).